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Ethical Management


All executives and employees of LOTTE DUTY FREE must comply with all relevant regulations,
company rules, and codes of conduct that apply to their work.

Ethical Management

Trust Relationship
with Customers
Attracting customers to select our products and services solely based on the LOTTE DUTY FREE brand.
That is the power of trust.
Provide the best products and services
Protect customer information
Honest marketing
Brand protection
Trust Relationship
with Employee
We spend as much time as we do with our family members. We work together, marching towards one goal with our hands held together. Trust is the thing that binds the special relationship among the Lotte family members.
Fair opportunities and fair treatment
Mutual respect among staff
Gender equality
Safe working environment
Asset protection
Intellectual property protection
Information leak prevention
Trust Relationship
with Partners
People who become one with partners with trust; people who are trusted even by competitors: We are trusted Lotte employees.
Compliance with fair trade laws
Respect for partners
Fair competition
Legal information collection
Prohibition of corruption and unfair favors
Trust Relationship
with Society
LOTTE aims to become a responsible member of the community, practicing social service as a role model while earning trust from the society.
Environmental protection
Respect for human rights
Social value generation and social service
Respect for cultural diversity
Compliance with foreign laws
Separation of politics and economics